Friday, July 12, 2013

Found a Penny in the Parking Lot

This evening I took a little walk (30 minutes, which is a lot in the summer here). It was cooler today, meaning it only got up to 102. Ugh. But it was only 98 or so when I walked and it actually felt cool at times while I was walking in the shade. Amazing. 

As I was walking home, I spotted a penny in the parking lot! 

This Found Money Facts:
Denomination:  penny
Year:  1988
U.S. Mint:  none

Condition:  tarnished, dirty, and scratched
Total Found Money to Date in 2013:  $17.05


  1. Here's a tip that might help. Car salesmen have a superstition that if they throw pennies out on the lot it will bring in customers. It's up to you to find the right lot and know when to look so you don't get swarmed by salesmen.

    1. Well, that's a new one on me! I would steer clear of those places unless they were closed. Can't abide used (or otherwise) car salesmen.


Happy New Year, 2024 and So Long, 2023

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