Okay, you won't always get paid to take out the trash, but today I took out my little grocery bag full of trash and next to the dumpster, along the side, was this penny! (I posed it next to some incense my friend gave me from her recent trip to Japan.)
Sure, it's just a penny, you say, but it's not the first coin I've found when taking out my trash. I remember once finding a dime right next to the recycling dumpster. Score!
Getting paid to take out the trash isn't a given. It won't happen every time, and when it does, it probably won't be much. But try it for yourself. All you have to do it look.
Have you ever found money while taking out the trash?
This Found Money Facts:
Denomination: 1 penny
Year: 1978
U.S. Mint: D
Condition: shiny, just starting to tarnish a little
Total Found Money to Date in 2013: $15.85
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