Then I headed over to Fresh and Easy because they sent out coupons for $5 off $20 (8 of the coupons for the next several weeks). I knew I could knock out $20 easily. As a bonus when I was checking out, I spotted this nickel on the floor under a check-out register!
Then I came home. Just walking from my car to the stores and back to my car and from the car to my house gave me a headache. I'm okay now, but I'm staying in on these horrible days.
Later today I might have to start watching another season of Top Shot! I finished watching season four yesterday. Love that show! Have you seen it?
How's the weather in your parts? Found any money?
This Found Money Facts:
Denomination: nickel
Year: 2004
U.S. Mint: D
Condition: dirty
Total Found Money to Date in 2013: $16.73